Sunday, February 6, 2011

Frankenstein Anticipation Guide

1.) The key to emotional healing can be found in nature.  AGREE
2.) Nature is filled with harsh cruelties.  AGREE
3.) A person's priorities should place family before work.  AGREE
4.) Enjoying life is more important than pursuing fame, glory and knowledge.  AGREE
5.) Those born with social and financial advantage have a responsibility for those who are not.  DISAGREE
6.) Ignorance is bliss.  AGREE
7.) Someone's ego will cause a tragic fall.  DISAGREE
8.) The pursuit of knowledge is a volatile quest.  DISAGREE
9.) Most people are basically cruel.  DISAGREE
10.) Children can learn behaviors by watching and mimicking adults.  AGREE
I myself am inclined to agree with the statement “children learn their behaviors by watching and mimicking adults”, being that I learn a lot of what I do from what I’ve seen my older brother and parents do.  Children will always mimic people who are older than them: they’re growing up and are trying to decide how to act so when they see a person successfully acting a certain way, they’ll try to copy them. They learn their behaviors from the people they are around the most, from the environment that they live in, and from things that occur in their everyday life. For example, if a kid has been going to hanging out with other people who drink and they see their parents drinking, they’ll think that it’s okay to do the same thing and will start drinking themselves.  Children will always lead by example and if their surrounded by positive influence, they will become successful and will live by the rules they interpreted from elders as well as what they were taught.
11.) Society makes a person whatever they become.  DISAGREE
12.) Rejection and mistreatment can manifest themselves in a person becoming rage-filled.  AGREE
13.) the "disenfranchised" who finds himself unable to live within society for whatever reasons, is someone for who we should feel sympathy or reverence.  AGREE
14.) If a person is treated poorly, they will act the same way.  AGREE
15.) Those people we deem monsters in todays society are merely misunderstood.  DISAGREE
In today's society, the people who we call monsters are those who have committed a serious crime, ex.  Rape, murder, theft. They are by no means, misunderstood. Take for example one of the many drug kingpins there are in the world, their actions cannot possibly be misjudged. They are criminals who have chosen their way of life, to act like a monster. On the other hand, in the past these types of crimes occurred rarely. Most of the people who were thought of as monsters were probably misunderstood because these serious offences barely ever happened. A long time ago, people were deemed monsters based on their relations with the rest of society. If you were an outcast, everything you did was interpreted as strange and you were deemed a monster. In other words, modern day monsters are criminals by choice who have chosen their corrupt profession. The monsters long ago didn’t choose that path; their actions were shaped into monsters by society.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

TKAM Re-Write a Scene

Scout was twirling that new baton of hers all over the place as we kept on walkin' home. I swear she hit just about every person we passed on the sidewalk with that new baton, but I could care less. I was furious thinking about what that old witch had said about Atticus. I'd kept my promise to him, but I was fed up hearing so many people talk bad about him!
   I couldn't hold myself back when we were in front of Miss Dubose's. I caught Scout mid sentence- "JEM! Whatch thi.." I snatched the baton from her hands and charged furiously up to her ugly plants and tore them apart. I went crazy, and trashed her whole yard ! Thrashing around, making a huge mess of all of her flowers. I could hear Scout yelling "QUIT IT Jem!", but I was too indulged in destroying this old hag's yard.